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Over 1 million people spoken to
get your annual checkups! it could save your life.
get to know "ad" Aaron Davis

Speaker | Cancer Survivor | National Champion | Author | Entrepreneur

Aaron is known for his captivating & high-energy talks on the power of a championship attitude. Through his journey as a cancer survivor, his experience as a member of the 1994 Nebraska football national championship team, and his achievements as an author, Aaron has learned firsthand the importance of maintaining a positive outlook on life personally and professionally.

As a cancer survivor, Aaron faced numerous challenges that tested his resilience and mental fortitude. His success in connecting with audiences in various professions stems from his transparency about his fears and dark times; he overcame physical and emotional obstacles that resonate with those fighting to maintain a championship attitude.

Drawing from this experience, he shares powerful insights and strategies that empower individuals to conquer their own battles and embrace life with optimism in a world of negativity.........


Aaron's Featured Keynotes

Corporations & Businesses

Keynotes include: "Attitude Of Championship Customer Service," "Championship Teams Have NO “BENCHWARMERS” (Teamwork)," "Perform Like A Champion (Attitude/Achievement/Motivation)," "Attitude Of A Champion Sales Professional," and "How Championship Leaders Lead With Passion, Purpose And Love For Their People."

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Education & Administration

Keynotes include: "Be Great At School, But Save Your Best For Home!," "How Champions Deal With Difficult People," "Attitude of a Champion for High School Teams/Teammates," and "Attitude of a Champion for Coaches."

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High School / College

Keynotes include: "The Power Of Your Choices" (Aaron's MOST requested keynote for teenagers and college students), "Leadership Is Simple, But It’s Not Always Easy," "The Price Of Being A Student Athlete," and "Don’t Go And Look For A Job. Search For Your Passion!"

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Book aaron so you can:

Boost Morale and Purpose:

Aaron's messages about the Attitude of a Champion will uplift & inspire participants. His stories and strategies encourage individuals to approach challenges with optimism, leading to improved morale and increased motivation to excel in their roles and pursuits.

Enhance Productivity and Performance:

A positive Attitude is linked to improved performance and productivity. Aaron shares techniques on how to maintain a positive outlook in a sometimes-negative world as it relates to overcoming obstacles. His presentations equip attendees with tools to enhance their efficiency, focus and overall effectiveness personally and professionally.

Improve Resilience:

Aaron’s personal stories of loss, grief and his battle with cancer are the epitome of resilience. His insights on maintaining a Champion Attitude in the face of adversity helps attendees develop a stronger coping mechanism to adapt to change, and bounce back from setbacks more effectively. Aaron is very transparent about his own mistakes in this area which resonates with his audiences as we all have gone through challenging times.

Create a Positive Organizational Culture:

As a member of the 1994 Nebraska National Championship Football team Aaron understands first-hand how an organizations culture is shaped by the attitudes and behaviors of its members. Aaron shares how a positive attitude can contribute to cultivating a culture that values optimism, collaboration, and continuous improvement, thereby enhancing employee engagement and satisfaction.

Have a Memorable and Impactful Experience:

For over two decades Aaron’s presentations continue to have a lasting impact on his audiences. It’s not out of the question to hear attendees quoting one of Aaron’s phrases “Your Attitude Your Choice” well after the event has passed. The emotional connections and relatable stories provide meaningful and sustainable change both personally and professionally.

trusted by many

Why Me

Working toward one single goal: expanding your mindset

book aaron

As a speaker and coach, it's Aaron's top priority to help his clients achieve their best possible outcome. When you hire Aaron to speak for your organization, you can rest assured that you're hiring an experienced keynote speaker with a passion for helping people change their lives by changing their attitude.

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Results that Speak for Themselves

"Aaron was an incredible speaker to the leaders of our business community and had the guests engaged the entire time with laughs, ah-ha moments and even a few tears. I highly suggest and encourage any company or organization to bring Aaron to your event. You, and your guests will be glad you did!"

Kate Teel
President, Greenville-Pitt County Chamber of Commerce

"Aaron Davis has given Medical Solutions a big Attitude Adjustment over thelast decade with his high energy and engaging presentation. Aaron providesreal life practical examples and stories in which the audience can clearlysee it comes down to choosing to have an attitude of a champion!  I wouldrecommend Aaron to any organization of any size to jump start your attitude!"

Liz Hall
Executive Director, Training and Development at Medical Solutions

"Aaron’s distinct ability to connect with the audience, had us all on the edge of our seats. Everyone laughed, most cried, and all left inspired after hearing Aaron’s powerful message about leadership and teamwork."

Kevin Zimmerman
Director and Production Workforce Senior Legal Counsel for Global Labor Relations at John Deere

"We brought in Aaron Davis for our annual Aflac insurance kickoff meeting. Outstanding and engaging are just two words that describe AD! Regardless of the industry, his stories and how he relates to his audience is what we enjoyed the most. Through the rollercoaster of emotions and digging down deep, Aaron always leaves the room energized at a higher level!"

Austyn Svehla

“Aaron’s energetic keynote presentation on how to achieve extraordinary success was highly praised. What a show!”

Eric Hensley
American Bankers' Association

“Aaron is a model for the benefits of personal initiative. His presentations for the University of Nebraska’s Management certification programs have received some of the highest evaluations in the program’s twenty-four year history.”

Dr. Terry Sebora
Nebraska Center For Entrepreneurship

“The experiences that Aaron shared touched everyone in the room. Aaron Davis has the ability to make people feel as if he is talking directly to them. We appreciate the effort he made to make this a memorable homecoming for Stanton.”

Chris Stogdill
Principal @ Stanton Community Schools

“Aaron has the unique ability to make you think while making you laugh at the same time.”

Ivan Benson
Pepsi Bottling Group

"Not only did the attendees rand Aaron NUMBER ONE of all convention speakers, they also stated on the surveys that one of the best things about this convention was Aaron Davis"

Cathy Kelly
Iowa Independent Bankers

“Aaron Davis most definitely set a very positive tone and helped us have one of our most successful fall conferences.”

Dave Backer
Missouri Association of Secondary School Principals

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Check out the Latest From the Attitude Store

Book - Wisdom from the Man with the Mop

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Wisdom from the Man with the Mop: Discover The Hidden Secrets To Winning At Customer Service

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Book - Ten Minute Truths

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10 Minute Truths: Quick Inspiration to Rejuvenate, Refuel and Refocus Your Life - Paperback or Hardcover, August 18th, 2004

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